Neo-Obscurantism Unmasked

Science (impersonal) vs State Pseudoscience (personal)

Science is a method, not a person, nor an organization. Scientists, researchers and experts are nothing more than mere human users, and as such not only fallible but also corruptible.
In State Pseudoscience on the other hand, scientists, experts (or even just anyone who is promoted as such) are seen as if they were literal "incarnations" or "emanations" of Science, in nearly the same way prophets and priests are seen as the incarnation of the divinity in some religions; their members are no more mere humans, they are seen as being endowed with some kind of supernatural power that renders them immune to the inherent flaws affecting normal people; anything they say is to be taken at face value even when it violates the most elementary laws of logic or the most direct evidence, in a "Credo quia absurdum" or "God works in mysterious ways" attitude typical of the most irrationalistic forms of religious thought.
In science, there is a very strict distinction between the scientific *method* and the scientific *community*: it is the former that judges the latter and never the other way around.
In State Pseudoscience on the contrary, the scientific community is identified with "Science" itself and the 2 terms are used interchangeably. It follows that being in disagreement with the scientific community is the same as being in disagreement with "Science" itself, hence the accusations of being "anti-science" and similar.
